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Episode 0

THE REALITY CHECK (series) is my humble attempt to share my thoughts and experiences as an entrepreneur. In this Season 1 of 7 episodes we will be covering topics of - Start-Up Essentials, Peer Pressure, Raising Money, Identifying One's Hidden Potential, Mental Health, Care & Importance Of Social Media, ALL UNDER JUST 2 MINUTES! Keeping it short, to the point and impactful.


Episode 3

THE REALITY CHECK (series) Episode 3 - discusses about the peer pressures around us, which can be constructive or destructive.


Episode 1

THE REALITY CHECK (series) Episode 1 - discusses about the 6 essential things one can do for their startup immediately to set them off in the right direction. 1. Brand Logo & Name 2. Graphic Designer 3. Website & Social Media Handles 4. A Lawyer 5. An Accountant 6. Opening A Current Company Account

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Episode 4

THE REALITY CHECK (series) Episode 4 - discusses about Mental Health and how we all need to speak up more freely about it.


Episode 2

THE REALITY CHECK (series) Episode 2 - discusses about identifying one's true potential/hidden talents and further creating value through them.


Episode 5

THE REALITY CHECK (series) Episode 5 - discusses about NOTHING! Just a quick drop by to check in on you and hope you're all doing OKAY!


Episode 6

THE REALITY CHECK (series) Episode 6 - discusses about some lesser known Social Media platforms that are entrepreneurial and can help you grow your organic reach for FREE!


Episode 7

THE REALITY CHECK (series) Episode 7 - discusses about raising money for your startup/business through various sources and if you actually even need it? and at what point of your growing business?



The MGLuxM Conversation Series has been augmenting with neoteric series week after week. The renowned panellists included Ayush Diwan Khurana (Owner - Modello Domani Luxury Footwear), Kuntal Pendsey (Luxury Wedding and Production Desingner), Delna Elavia (HR manager - India Estee Lauder), and Ayush Bhatia (Director - Golden Swan Club). They helped the students view their dynamics in the industry from the aspects that most of them were oblivious of.

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